Spelling and Grammar

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Why Spelling and Grammar Are Important on Your Website

Chances are you have invested a lot of time, energy and money into a website that effectively communicates key information about your business to your potential clients. The content needs to be clear, compelling and authoritatively written. However, glaring spelling mistakes and poor grammar can quickly erode confidence in your expertise. Here are reasons why it is important that you present a website that is free of errors.

Typos harm your credibility

Sure, these days we tend to overlook when someone types your instead of you’re or misspells a common word via text or in a social media post. However, when spelling and grammar mistakes occur in the context of business communication, it could hurt your credibility with the reader who may be a potential client.

Customers might wonder whether you care

Multiple spelling and grammar mistakes throughout your website could come across like you just don’t care. And if you don’t care about your own website content, it can call into question not only your authority, but your future performance for a client, as well.

Your reader has to piece together your intended meaning

You own your message; therefore, it should be conveyed clearly by you. Don’t force your reader to try to decipher what you meant to say due to missing words or bad sentence structure.

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression It is good practice to always have a second set of eyes proofread your content for typos, grammar and clarity of the information. Ask a trusted friend, spouse or outsource to a virtual assistant to read every page and section on your website, including your contact information to ensure your content is always correct. After receiving feedback and making the edits, read it again for accuracy. The extra effort will go a long way in cementing your reputation.

Author picture

Gina Havranek, of Elevate Virtual Solutions, is a virtual assistant helping solo professionals  reclaim valuable time by handling time consuming administrative tasks such as database management, email marketing and social media scheduling  creating peace of mind, freedom and less stress.

Woman smiling wearing a bring pink sweater, with a leafy background
hi! I'm Gina!

I help solo professionals get more done in less time by handling their time consuming administrative tasks so they can spend more time doing what they love.

If you are looking for some support in your business, let’s talk. I offer a free 30 minute consultation. No pressure, no pitch, it’s all about you. Click below to schedule a call. 

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