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How to Set Goals AND Take Action

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

I don’t know about you, but I am always thinking about things I want to do to improve my current state of being. Eat healthier, exercise more, declutter the junk drawer, land a new client, learn a new skill. The list goes on and on. How many of the goals that we wish to achieve are actually accomplished? For some of us, not many. Why?


Why we don’t start


Let me know if any of these scenarios sounds familiar.


You have goal.

It is big.

You don’t know where to start.

You don’t start.


You have an idea

You decide to do it

You are busy

You don’t start


You set a goal

You don’t know how to achieve the goal

You feel overwhelmed

You don’t start


Raise your hand if you chose all of the above.


It is not only important to be intentional when deciding on a goal, it’s essential to create a plan of action to achieve it.


Break down the goal into small actionable tasks

Once you have decided on a goal, write down every task that needs to be done, in order if possible, to provide a clear roadmap to reach your desired outcome. Breaking down a big goal into small manageable actions will prevent the feeling of overwhelm that comes with doing something new or tackling something big. When your head starts to spin, pull out the list and pick one thing to do and just focus on getting that one thing done. Once completed you check it off and move to the next task.

Pick a timeframe

After breaking down the goal into individual tasks, chose a reasonable timeframe to complete them. I find that four weeks is a reasonable timeframe. Before starting be sure to take into consideration any events, deadlines or other time constraints that might prevent you from having the time you need to work on the tasks.


If you choose 4 weeks, separate your tasks into week 1, 2, 3 and 4. Remember that you can always readjust after a week or two if needed.


Hold yourself accountable


It is easy to let ourselves off the hook. Tell a friend, colleague or announce your plan on social media so that there is someone to hold you accountable and report your progress along the way.


Reward yourself


Decide how you will reward yourself for achieving your goal. Will you reward yourself each week, after reaching a specific milestone, or at the end when the goal is accomplished? It is important to give yourself the extra motivation for doing the work in order to inspire you to keep going.


I guarantee, if you set yourself up with an actionable plan that builds momentum to move your progress forward, you will be able to replicate it over and over again.

What I Can't Stop Talking About

24 oz tumbler

A friend gifted me a 24 oz tumbler and I have used it nearly every day since.  It lives on my desk and I aim to fill it with water 2 to 3 times per day. It is an easy way to make sure I stay hydrated (although you can fill it with whatever you like, I won’t judge you).

It was sent to me with a tight-fitting lid and reusable straw, all dishwasher safe. Mine has my initial on it, but there are lots of options including the logo of your favorite team. Check them out here.  

Crush your goals and finish the year strong using my free Goal Setting Worksheet.

Set clear goals and create a clear path to attain them using this worksheet. Define your goal, layout all the steps necessary to accomplish it, check off tasks as you go so you know what you have achieved and what steps are next. Hold yourself accountable and don’t forget to reward yourself for a job well done!

Get the free worksheet!

Author picture

Gina Havranek, of Elevate Virtual Solutions, is a virtual assistant helping solo professionals  reclaim valuable time by handling time consuming administrative tasks such as database management, email marketing and social media scheduling  creating peace of mind, freedom and less stress.

Woman smiling wearing a bring pink sweater, with a leafy background
hi! I'm Gina!

I help solo professionals get more done in less time by handling their time consuming administrative tasks so they can spend more time doing what they love.

If you are looking for some support in your business, let’s talk. I offer a free 30 minute consultation. No pressure, no pitch, it’s all about you. Click below to schedule a call. 

Let's Connect!

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